What are dilapidations?
Dilapidations refer to the legal obligations tenants have to landlords to restore a property back to its original state and condition when they vacate the building at the end of their lease agreement. They represent the exit costs associated with making repairs and replacing cosmetic or functional alterations to the property. Subject to the terms of the lease agreement, either the tenant will undertake the remedial work or the landlord will seek to recover the cost of making good the disrepair.
Anvil provides specialist dilapidations advice to both tenants and landlords
How we Can Help
If you are a tenant or a landlord, Anvil’s exceptionally knowledgeable team of experts has a proven track record of dealing with issues relating to lease agreements and dilapidations. Our team works with owners and occupiers of commercial, industrial and hospitality properties on costs, valuations and the legal requirements relating to lease expiry, ensuring properties are returned to the satisfaction of all parties.
At Anvil, our professional and experienced contractors carry out quick and efficient dilapidations work at the termination of a lease. We can typically reduce tenant liabilities by an average of 40% to 45% where covenants require the reinstatement of premises to their original condition. This work can include the removal of partition walls, suspended ceilings and aesthetic structures erected during the period of a lease. It may also incorporate plumbing, electrical work, decorating, floor finishing and numerous types of repair. The remedying of dilapidations is usually done in accordance with provisions set out in a Schedule of Dilapidations, which is a document prepared by the landlord’s surveyor and Anvil’s in-house team detailing the work that must be undertaken pursuant to the repair covenants in the lease.
Anvil provides a fast, cost effective and efficient service, including the provision of compliant certifications where electrical alterations are required. Whether we are acting on behalf of the landlord or the tenant, we get the optimal result for our clients from any dilapidations negotiations.
Support is provided to our clients during every stage of the process, including specialist dilapidation surveys and schedule of condition reports to help mitigate against costly remediations.
Please get in touch to find out how we can help you with your dilapidation needs.
Call 0203 773 2426 for more information